Yeah this shelf had jerk chicken wings, jerk chicken & rice, oxtail and rice. Remember this is a shelf in TESCO hardly known to be bussing out the yardie products ( if you ever take a trip down the ethnic aisle youll just about see KA & Rubicon so really...) and for you lot that are saying well what about Mr Levi Roots and his Reggae Reggae franchise DPMO this guy is LUCKY LOOL some any unfair representation of carribean flavour i dont even like reggae reggae sauce and now man has drinks and a subway and a pizza? Cool cool H'anyway the verdict...
So i ate it and my verdict is it wernt nice. It was nasty but for one it didnt even taste like Jerk Chicken :s there was too much sauce n shit . Thr first impression i got was that it tasted like ok HOSPITAL food . Thats a par nah i only tried it cause ill try everything but ill deffo stick yo my mums cooking Jamaican gyal all day lool. OneHundredPercent
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