Friday, 20 May 2011

Variety Performance JUBILATE!

Last night my Performing Arts BTEC class performed our last ever show together (we have a dance performance but that's minor) . The build up to this show has been so stressful and at times felt so last and very un-organised. Everyone was not looking forward to it and just wanted to get it our the way however we somehow managed to pull everything together and it was really good. I actually had pure fun performing, I always do in the end actually cause the same happened with Black History Month and that ended up being sick so maybe I should be used to it. Well done to everyone that performed and thank you to all the people that came.Im not gonna lie when we finished , it actually hit me that this was the last ever big thing and i'm not gonna have rehearsals and stuff like that with my class again. Even though there's been pure ups and downs, blood, ( when @CarlaUddemi and I tried some backflip thing and I ended up landing on my head , left a mark on the floor and a gash on my head lol i still have the scar but it's actually blending now so it's not as bait as it was...) sweat, tears, beers and cheers, a few arguments here and there its all part of the drama and what triumphs over this is all the jokes and laughter we've had over the 2 years.Even though 2 years isn't long friendship wise , because we seen eachother everyday and were in 90% of lessons together Im just realising now it's going to be so weird when college ends next week.I'm not trying to be soppy, that's not me,but im just reflecting cause tbh whether I've had issues with anyone or not I know I'm gonna miss everyone, so lemme just give a big mention to Brijiena, Carla, Charity, Jelisa, Kirsty, Nathan, Penny, Racquel, Ramzan, Shannon & Vicky. All of us are going into different directions in life now so I hope everyone is sucessful at whatever they're doing and it would be funny if I got to work with some of you lot again one day but we'll see ;) 
Don't get it twisted though I am looking forward to University and the freshers life I'm excited and curious cause how ami gonna be fully independant. Not gonna lie I am a mummy's boy through and through but I'm also a London boy so I'm just gonna be glad to be back in my hometown whether I go to East London or Central Saint Martin We'll see Que Sera Sera Whatever Will Be Will Be.... 
I will properly write a whole separate blog about Uni cause it's a hype and not a minor also this is my first all text no pictures post (Dunknow the dunknow) but for now I shall leave it there.

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